

Phone number: +44 (0)1223 748087

Email: jip24@cam.ac.uk

Dr James Perry

Postdoctoral Associate
University Positions
Senior Research Associate
Specialising in
Fracture and Shock Physics

James Perry is a Senior Research Associate at the Cavendish Laboratory studying the dynamic properties of complex materials.

Academic interests

James’s research interests focus on the high-rate dynamic properties of materials - particularly metals, granular materials, energetics and structural composites. His work is experimentally led, designing novel techniques to help understand the meso- and micro-scale phenomena controlling deformation and fracture processes.

Degrees obtained

  • BA Natural Sciences, Cantab.
  • MSci Physics, Cantab.
  • PhD Physics, Cantab.


James grew up in Norfolk, as an undergraduate took the Natural Sciences Tripos at Jesus, and joined the SMF group at the Cavendish as a PhD student. Studying silica sand under shock loading and ballistic impact, his research illustrated how very small changes in grain-scale properties of brittle systems, such as surface roughness or the presence of moisture, can significantly alter a material’s dynamic response.

James worked as a strategy consultant in the telecoms sector after his PhD, building predictive models of mobile networks and advising on spectrum auction strategies, before returning to Cambridge in 2018 to undertake an industrial research position at the Cavendish.

Other interests

Cycling, sailing, photography, music.

Department link

Publications, links and resources

James’ publications are available on his .

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