
Photograph of Annemarie Kunzl-Snodgrass

Phone number: +44 (0)1223 339694

Email: amk27@cam.ac.uk


Ms Annemarie Künzl-Snodgrass

Emeritus Fellow, Tutor, Director of Studies in History and Modern and Medieval Languages (Modern and Medieval Languages (Part IB and II) and Modern and Medieval Languages (Part IB and Year Abroad)
University Positions
Senior Language Teaching Officer (retired)
Specialising in

Annemarie Künzl-Snodgrass was a Senior Language Teaching Officer in the Department of German and Dutch. She is an Emeritus Fellow at ÌÀÍ·ÌõÔ­´´.

Academic interests

Annemarie Künzl-Snodgrass' academic interests include:

  • Development of web based language teaching materials
  • Translation studies
  • Contemporary influences on the German language
  • German post war social history.

Degrees obtained

  • First Staatsexamen: English and History, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
  • Second Staatsexamen: Professional Teaching Qualification, Dürer Gymnasium Nürnberg.


Annemarie teaches the German language at all levels. Her special interests are the teaching of German ab initio (from scratch), advanced translation, and the development of language teaching materials and lectures on German Landeskunde.

She is involved in outreach work and has recently taken over the coordination of the Cambridge Modern and Medieval Languages Faculty’s contributions to the University’s annual festival.

Other interests

Travel, mountain walking, classical antiquity, music, yoga.

Department link

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