
Image of The 2016 Boat Race
Photo: Katie Chan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boat_Races_2015#/media/File:Boat_Race_2015_-_Women%27s_Main_Race_(01).jpg. CC by 4.0

Boat Race 2016

This Sunday a Jesuan will once again lead the women's team in the Boat Race.

Hannah Roberts (2013), 21, is the Women's President for the 2015/16 season. First year Engineering student Tim Nugent (2015), 20, tells us more about rowing.

How are you involved in rowing?

I joined the University squad back in September and trained with them until late November, when I moved to the College squad. The University squad is comprised of the top members from all the different Colleges, and the main difference between the two is the intensity of the training and the size of the people you train with.

I learned to row with my school in London on the Thames when I was 14, and it gradually became a larger and larger part of my life until I was in the school's first eight in sixth form and competing at the European championships. I also live in Putney where the boat race starts, so for many years I have gone down to watch the race from the banks.

How do you balance studying and sport? How much time does rowing take up?

It does take up a fair amount of time, especially in the University squad where I was training almost every morning and most afternoons. However, when you don't have that much time you really learn to knuckle down and get on with the work in the time you do have, and so the main thing rowing teaches you is to not procrastinate.

What will you be doing on race day?

I'll be on the bank supporting all four Cambridge boats racing that day, I've said I'll show some of other Jesus freshers the best place to go and watch the race from.

Tell us something we might not know

There are many odd traditions surrounding rowing at Oxbridge. The men's reserve boat, for example, is traditionally named Goldie, and the women's boat Blondie. Even at a College level, the main highlight race of the year, bumps, is run in a format completely unique to Cambridge, where boats chase each other down the river rather than racing side by side.