
Image of Prize presentation showing four men standing side by side, one holding a presentation plaque in a case
Professor Roberto Cipolla (left)

Award for information engineering academic

Congratulations to Professor Roberto Cipolla, one of three academics to have been awarded the  at the International Conference on Computer Vision 2017 in Venice. 

The prize was awarded jointly to Professor Cipolla, Professor Sebastiano Battiato and Dr Giovanni Maria Farinella - both of the Universty of Catania -for the creation and organisation of the (ICVSS) from 2007-2017.

The summer schools have brought huge benefit to students attending them, both educationally and in creating valuable networking in their field. The events have trained over 150 researchers each year, many of whom have gone on to become thought leaders in academia and business.  

The prize is awarded annually to a researcher, or a team of researchers, who have made a selfless contribution of significant benefit to other members of the computer vision community.