
Image of Students 1907

The Roll of Honour

Remembering those who died between 1914 and 1918.

Thank you for visiting our Roll of Honour. You can also read more about the College in wartime.



Sons of Fellows


This list is as complete and accurate according to the College archives and Commonwealth War Graves Commission registers as of June 2015. The original Roll of Honour was compiled in the years following the War and contained and number of errors and omissions that we have corrected here.

At the time the practice was that men who were accepted study at the College, but who were prevented by the War from actually coming up should be remembered alongside other Jesus alumni. This means the inclusion of a name does not necessarily indicate that the man actually came up, especially if he was born after 1896.

Please contact the College ww1-project@jesus.cam.ac.uk for details or to share information about any of the men named on this list.