
Image of Photo of Law student



Studying Law at Jesus has been one of the most intellectually challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. The course enables you to explore and critically engage with various aspects of the law, whilst developing both abstract thinking and practical problem solving skills.

The supervisors and facilities at Jesus foster a friendly and stimulating environment which makes for interesting academic discussion and learning.

Hear from our students

  • Photo of Computer Science student


    Computer Science

    I joined Jesus in 2011 to read Computer Science. At school I had done a lot of mathematics, so the theoretical nature of the Cambridge course appealed to me. As well as a strong theoretical grounding, however, the course gives a thorough introduction to many practical aspects early on, such as chip design and a variety of programming languages. There are plenty of opportunities later in the course to expand on these, and the result is an education that is both wide ranging and in depth. I took a particular...

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    Computer Science
  • Photo of Philosophy student



    The most exciting element of the Philosophy course for me is the wide variety of topics it covers, bringing together aspects from a whole range of diverse subjects. In one week I could be working through a set of logic questions, writing an essay about Mill's thoughts on feminism, and attending lectures on personal identity and utilitarianism! This diversity in the course makes it an incredibly engaging and continuously fascinating subject to study. As well as giving me the chance to develop an array of practical, transferable skills, such as...

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  • Photo of Classics student



    When I arrived at Jesus for my interviews, I fell in love with the beautiful, unique architecture. The open spaces and green areas made me feel at home, and I was determined not to let the opportunity to live and work here slip through my fingers. Our library has one of the largest Classics sections of any College library; it’s right in the middle of College and accessible 24/7. Classics is a small subject, and only a few universities offer it at the highest level - I chose Cambridge because...

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  • Photo of History student



    Before applying, I thought it was far out of my reach, that Cambridge was only for naturally gifted geniuses, but after I started studying I realised that couldn’t be further from the truth. The vast majority of people here work hard and love their subject, by far the most important factors for making the most of studying your subject at university. Jesus has a really strong contingent of historians sitting a range of papers, so we all give each other help and advice as well as learning from academic staff...

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  • Photo of History of Art student


    History of Art

    History of Art at Cambridge gives you the opportunity of both broad and specific study. In the first year I studied one painting in significant detail by completing a short dissertation, while the Making and Meaning courses provided a firm background in 2000 years of art history. Spending each week on a new topic or time period, I have been surprised to develop interests in areas I had never considered before. Who knew 17th century fountains could be so interesting? For me, the most exciting aspect of History of Art...

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    History of Art