
Image of Photo of Land Economy student


Land Economy

Land economy covers an incredibly wide range of topics across multiple academic disciplines. This diversity makes it fascinating to study, offers flexibility to specialise or maintain a wide coverage and enables development of a great number of skills including solving quantitative problems, analysing legal cases and statutes, interpreting economic models, and writing reports.

This range of skills means it acts as a stepping stone into many different careers. For example, I'm going to be an actuary and much of what I've learnt in my finance papers will be of great help in my actuarial exams. Equally, I have friends who will work in consulting, law, real estate, and many other areas. The course is very well organised, with lectures taught by people who are really interested and knowledgeable in their subject areas and supervisions offering great opportunities to discuss ideas and ask questions in small groups.

Hear from our students

  • Photo of Law student



    Studying Law at Jesus has been one of the most intellectually challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. The course enables you to explore and critically engage with various aspects of the law, whilst developing both abstract thinking and practical problem solving skills. The supervisors and facilities at Jesus foster a friendly and stimulating environment which makes for interesting academic discussion and learning.

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  • Lewis smiling at camera.


    Human, Social, and Political Sciences

    I've thoroughly enjoyed studying Human, Social, and Political Sciences (HSPS) at Jesus. I was nervous before I arrived, but the friendly community of students and staff immediately put me at ease. Not only is the college library a great place to study, it can also get pretty much any book for you on request! Great for a sudden wave of inspiration based on something off the reading list... Outside of academia, the college has been ramping up its connections to industry and career support, which has been invaluable in calming...

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    Human, Social, and Political Sciences
  • Photo of Mathematics student



    I studied Maths at ÌÀÍ·ÌõÔ­´´ for four years as an undergraduate. I am now a PhD student in the doctoral training program at the Cambridge Centre for Analysis. I work in the area of partial differential equations, specifically those arising in kinetic theory. At Cambridge I was introduced to a wide variety of areas of Maths, many of which I hadn’t really known existed before coming to university. I found the course highly rewarding and always interesting. The course starts with a good grounding in the basics, leaving many...

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  • Photo of Psychological and Behavioural Sciences student


    Psychological and Behavioural Sciences

    The content of the Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos has truly opened my eyes to the world and continues to deepen my understanding of the myriad of factors that influence everything from interpersonal interactions to widespread social issues that we face everyday. The multidisciplinary nature of the course provides many dimensions of knowledge that can help in any discussion you might find yourself in!

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    Psychological and Behavioural Sciences
  • Photo of an Education student



    The best element of this course is its multidisciplinary approach to the study of education, and the incorporation of other subject areas. The incredible diversity of a week’s lectures has challenged me to think holistically and to write with versatility. As someone with very wide interests, I have thoroughly enjoyed the breadth of subjects spanned on the course, and it has allowed me to find areas of particular interest in which to specialise in my final year. The drama papers are excitingly full of potential to work with your course...

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