
Image of Decorative image
Architect's impression of the proposed exhibition space. Image: Paul Vonberg Architects.

Statement on the decision of the Consistory Court

The Consistory Court of the Diocese of Ely has published its decision and full judgment on the petition for a faculty for the relocation of the memorial commemorating Tobias Rustat. The College's statement is below. 

We are deeply disappointed and shocked by the decision.

Rustat鈥檚 involvement in the slave trade has never been in question, as confirmed by expert historians acting for both the College and the opponents. The widespread opposition to the presence of his memorial in the College Chapel is the result of this involvement in the slave trade and not any false narrative allegedly created by the College about the sources of Rustat鈥檚 wealth. This celebratory memorial to an active participant in the slave trade remains a barrier to worship in our Chapel for some members of our community.

It was right for us to have submitted this application. We will now carefully consider our next steps.