
Image of From left, members of staff Molly Becker, Eleanor O' Gorman, Charlotte Newman and Georgia Orwell

College's new community garden is blooming marvellous

Members of College are already reaping the rewards of their new mini allotment plots.

Ten raised beds have been installed by the terraces in Lower Park Street for students, Fellows and staff to tend, grow their own produce and connect with nature.

The project is part of a wider revamp of the grounds around Lower Park Street which also included improvements to the front gardens of the postgraduates’ housing, the planting of more fruit trees and new gravel paths.

Tenancies vary from one to three years. Plot-holders must sign a user agreement and receive an induction from the gardening team who have plenty of helpful tips. Users also have access to a shed with tools, compost and harvested rainwater and are encouraged to use the seed library which has many different varieties of flowers and vegetables.

Lee de Grammont, Head of Grounds and Gardens, said: "Gardening is great for wellbeing. The new raised beds are a really fantastic communal space and they have been really popular. There is currently a waiting list so we think there could be scope to expand this further."

Georgia Orwell, Manager of the College’s Intellectual Forum, said: "We applied for a team patch and were lucky enough to be successful. We're delighted with how it's coming on - we're currently growing strawberries, lettuces, peas, root vegetables and some flowers for cutting. Gardening has so many benefits. Having the plot gives us a reason to get away from our desks and spend some time outdoors. It's great for us as a team, as individuals and for the environment and Lee has given us useful advice on sustainable gardening methods."